The Easiest Way For A Beginner To Earn.

Looking for a quick and easy way to profit in the BankX system?

Option 1. Buy BankX & Stake It In A CD.

How does this work? The BankX CD is a traditional bank CD but designed for the highest yield.

1. Go to the dashboard. 2. Purchase “BankX tokens” 3. Click “Certificate of deposit” 4. Select how long you’d like to stake (you will see the interest generated) 5. Click “Stake

That’s it!

How Much Will I Earn In The CD?

The amount you earn depends on how long you are willing to stake your BankX tokens. YOU decide how long that is.

Base Rate – You generate 5% interest in BankX tokens. No matter how long you decide to stake.

Yearly Bonus – Each year you stake you receive an additional 33%

Longer pays better – You get a 200% bonus for staking the current commitment time BankX needs. (This time changes based on the how many people are staking.)

Amount Bonus – This is a sliding scale that gives you up to an additional 10% for staking larger amounts.

Example: A 3 year stake means

5% - base 33% - yearly 200% - 3 year bonus 10% - amount bonus (depending on amount staked)

When You Are Done Staking, You Will Receive Your Original Amount + Interest In The Form Of BankX Tokens.

You can then sell them, create XSD, re-stake, or anything else you’d like to do. It’s yours!

What if I have to unstake early? Early unstaking will incur a penalty.

Last updated